Farewell Fittingrooms

How often do you attempt to get ready for the day + find that you have NOTHING to wear? This is a constant issue for me (despite the fact that my closet is bursting at the seams). With my crazy schedule,… Continue Reading

Back 2 Blonde + Boyfriend Style

Last week Allen + I ventured out of the city and down south to check out Bonobos’ first Guideshop in San Jose.  We left the city around 11am + made it to San Jose in record time! The killer weather in San Jose… Continue Reading

Fringe Benefits

Last night Rebecca Minkoff (finally) opened her first San Francisco retail location +  all of San Francisco was there to celebrate! I threw this outfit together in a rush + could also not be more excited to announce that this REALLY… Continue Reading

The Magic Maxi

The after holiday weight has settled in + styling my new ‘food baby’ is THE WORST! This weekend I worked a pop-up event for Les Méchantes + refused to let the food baby show. It took 45 minutes, nearly all my… Continue Reading