Friday Forecast: ALL The Fall Sales That You Can’t Afford To Miss

Pop your collar! We made it to Friday and there are some killer online sales happening this weekend. Pour yourself a glass of wine, put on a movie and let’s shop…because after this week there is a 100% chance I… Continue Reading

Friday Forecast: The Best Labor Day Sales

Proper online shopping is a labor of love. You’ve gotta search for the best discount codes, find free shipping, locate your size and deal with the buyer’s remorse…the list goes on and on. So, lucky for you I’ve spent the… Continue Reading

Friday Forecast: 4th of July Sales

Forget the fireworks – Let’s shop! I’ve scoured the interwebs for all the best deals this holiday weekend. (Jacket NOT on sale) 4th of July Sales: Anthropologie: Extra 30% off sale items with the code: EVENBETTER. Banana Republic: Extra 50%… Continue Reading

Double Denim + Dip Dye Jeans with a side of Steve Urkel

I can’t stop rocking denim on denim aka ‘The Canadian Tuxedo.’ However, I’ve apparently taken my current love of denim to ‘Steve Urkel’ waistband heights… Shout out to the Instagram follower who pointed that one out! Anyways…I’m loving the denim… Continue Reading