What I Ate Wednesday: A Cocktail Recap

Ferry Building - San FranciscoNo meal is complete without a beverage, preferably alcoholic and over the past couple of months I have managed to enjoy quite a few in San Francisco, as well as on my travels.

So, this Wednesday we are talking cocktails!

Don’t worry there will be more food to come and always @katfoodsf.

Gott's - San Francisco

Starting with a draft beer from Gott’s Roadside in the Ferry Building. Gott’s is one of the first establishments in the Ferry Building to open on the weekends, so it is the perfect place to start my cocktail tour.

Laughing Glass MargaritaA trip to Tahoe calls for all the après-ski beverages…even though I don’t ski.

Starting with a Laughing Glass margarita.

Now, I know what you are thinking, but nope. This is not some super sweet ‘Skinny Girl’ pre-mixed margarita. This is a real deal margarita without artificial ingredients and with a proprietary blend of super premium tequila from Mexico.

NO skiing, NO mixing beverages and very little clean up! My kind of vacation.

IMG_8701Now when I like to venture out in Lake Tahoe I hit up Gar Woods. Located right on the lake and home of the world famous, Wet Woody. This is the ideal spot to drink, while admiring the killer views of the lake.


A Piña Colada from the Thompson Miami Beach.

Oh-so basic of me…but when in Miami!

IMG_8857A flaca margarita from China Poblano to kick off a trip to Vegas.

Pair this with the tuna ceviche. Trust me.

IMG_8919A Bam-Boozled Shake is only appropriate in Vegas and is pretty darn hard to finish.

But, I was having a ‘Vegas Baby’ moment so a Cookies & Cream milkshake from Holsteins it was.

IMG_9393Back in San Francisco with a Sagres. One of many craft beers at Grubstake.

Shinola - Tyler FlorenceA Maple Manhattan from the Shinola store opening.

Not my normal drink of choice, but when it is paired with killer bites from Tyler Florence I’ll drink it!

Dirty Habit

And last but not least I serve you with a ‘You Go Glen Coco’ from Dirty Habit.  This cocktail features Rittenhouse Rye, turmeric, coconut, King’s Ginger: spicy rye, coconut cream and ginger. Not only does it photograph very well, but it is the perfect drink to wrap up with here and for the night on their killer rooftop patio.


  1. Suggling up with a Laughing Glass margarita in a snowy cabin and sipping Wet Woodies by the lake? Sounds like the PERFECT way to do Tahoe! love

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