Tuesday Shoesday: Slipper Talk. Stock Up On Slippers This Season.

[Slippers: Ugg, Scuffette Slipper + Abela Genuine Shearling Flip Flop] JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. If you are anything like me you never really think to stock up on slippers…until the holidays roll around… Continue Reading

Who Makes Your Shoes? NYFW Details + Drama

Who makes your coat?  Banana Republic Who makes your shoes? No idea! True story. This really happened last week during an interview at New York fashion week. How did I not know who made my shoes?!? Why did I lie… Continue Reading

Put A Turtleneck Under Everything

Turtlenecks are a winter staple that no one should bear the season without, and I am going to prove to you exactly why. Since looking stylish while managing the cold temperatures is rather challenging (so many layers!), I’ve found that… Continue Reading

Holiday Style: The Tutu Skirt

A Friday afternoon in December at the Fairmont calls for a tutu + a martini…right? Styling a tutu past the age of six can be quite challenging, but trust me you can do it. There is something magical about the… Continue Reading