Let’s Get GILT(y)


I love nothing more than a warehouse sale. There is something about the adrenaline rush before you enter. The thought of scoring your favorite designer item at up to 90% off  and fighting for it brings a very special smile to my face. I am the bitch with the small dog and aggressive elbows fighting your for that missoni dress…always. I am so excited to attend the San Francisco GILT City Warehouse sale this year.

Not just for the amazing designer deals but also because this year GILT is giving back. Project Glimmer is receiving a set donation amount for partnering with Gilt City.  Gilt’s on site jewelry partner Chloe + Isabel will also be donating brand new jewelry to ProjectGlimmer which will go toward their mission to give holiday gifts to at-risk teenage girls and women throughout Northern California.

Wanna shop with Kat this Friday night? Comment on this post with what you will do to ensure that we walk home with the best goods and the best comment will be able to join me for a little VIP shopping.


  1. So much adrenaline pumping I can barely think of a witty reply… all I’ve got is yes.

    Yes, I wanna go.
    Yes, I wanna elbow peeps for must-have items.
    Yes, I wanna shop giltfree (see what I did there) because the event is supporting a sweet-ass cause.

    Yes yes yes.

    Either way, get after it!

    xx Katie

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