KatWalk Goes to New Orleans

KatwalkNOLAI am back in the city by the bay (and back to work)…so now all I have left are my photos, my belly and my memories (that are just coming back to me)!

So…here are a few of my favorites and suggestions from NOLA:

photo-14Have a drink at:

The Carousel Bar (above), Napoleon House and Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop Bar, in that order. The Carousel Bar is all about the atmosphere. The bar moves and the drinks are nice and strong. The Napoleon House serves a mean Pimm’s cup and an even meaner charcuterie plate. Order both. Now we closed out the trip at Lafitte’s. This is bar far one of the best bars I have ever been to. It houses an amazing piano bar (literally a piano that you can drink at) and a gorgeous bartender and pianist. I am pretty sure I shut it down while sing/screaming to Eric Clapton Monday night.

lNow eat!

I ate enough on this trip to break the scale at weight watchers and forcing me to chug Pepto at any given moment, while loving every minute of it. Here are a few of my favorite spots: Bayona, The Italian Barrel (above) and GW Fins. A special thank you to my sister, Veronica for all her fabulous suggestions and our new friend, Kevin (featured by DLo here) for making our bellies very full and satisfied!

photo(31)“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea”

-Henry James

Well then hell, I guess that means you should break out your inner southern bell and act like a lady before heading back to the French Quarter. I participated in afternoon tea (alone) at the Windsor Court. This tea service was so sweet and made me feel like a real lady. I highly suggest it and staying at the Windsor Court. It is the perfect safe haven from the French Quarter and serves a lifesaving honey/banana smoothie in the morning!

IMG_0083Shop one of the best vintage Chanel collections I have ever seen at Vintage 329. This place makes Didier Ludot in Paris look like a major rip off acid trip. Vintage 329 is filled with amazing vintage pieces and the staff is willing to let you try on everything and negotiate!

IMG_0034Pack a variety of clothes. While we were in New Orleans we experienced temperature from 81 degrees to 39 degrees!

See my variety of my looks from the trip here, here and here!


I loved every (non-hungover) minute of New Orleans and can’t wait to go back again!

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