You Need to Buy Sensible Flats, Kathleen

So the cast is off and I am ready to sport both right and left shoes.

My only problem is that I do not own proper post-cast shoes.

Yes, from time to time I will sport a ballet flat, but never a shoe that is going to provide me with some serious support and comfort (a la naturalizer).

Today Dr. Chen made it very clear to me that heels are not in my future and I should think about just wearing “sneakers” for the next 5 weeks?!?!?

No sneakers Kathleen…well then how about a sensible flat.

Well Dr. Chen I don’t own sneakers, let alone a sensible flat.

So I guess that means it was time to shop!


Hey Ash, let’s go to those new outlets in Livermore. I hear there is a Prada there and Dr. Chen said I need some practical shoes.

(Ash arrives in a gassed up Prius 30 minutes later. I Jump in with Benji and Balenciaga)IMG_0594

Let’s get some shoes.

IMG_0585Matching shoes.

Black for Ash and tobacco for Kat.


IMG_0589I can totally wear these in like 5 weeks, right?

Aside from the Prada’s I did score some awesome and practical shoes at Cole Haan, Bloomingdales and Nike.

The Livermore outlets were well worth the drive from San Francisco, but just a little word to the wise. Arrive full and don’t even dream about eating a thing there. I am pretty sure I ate a salad tossed in dish soap with a side of rancid sun dried tomatoes.

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