Friday Forecast: Dainty Jewels

KatWalkSF - Leslie Francesca

Who remembers the days of massive statement necklaces?

The big baubles or rhinestone collar necklaces.

Eh…I fully embraced this trend for years, but I am over it in a BIG way now.

Insert this adorable opal California necklace from local bay area babe, Leslie Francesa.

KatWalkSF - Marrin Costello JewelryThis lariat + choker combination has been on heavy rotation.

Just wait and see…

Les Méchantes Caftan

The infinity circle necklace from Waffles and Honey features a hammered circle + pairs well with tan skin. (eh…this picture is old)

KatWalkSF - Waffles and Honey X Ring

Layered ‘X-Rings’ with a glass of rosé.

Love these rings solo + stacked.

KatWalkSF - Joules Wellies

The choker + laritat combo again for the win, mixed with some vintage rings and a chunky knit.

KatWalkSF- Marrin Costello chokers

Choker/Choker/Lariat + a Net-A-Porter packaging bow for this simple and delicate look.

Will you be layering dainty jewels this season or sticking with a statement?


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